It was a dark night for thunderclan and riverclan, as the battle under sunning rocks have consumed warriors, leaving only a few standing with bodies of cats around the place, luckily some cats have survived under the merciful gaze of the riverclan leader allowing this to all end. Come over to Moonflower! Yellowfang accepted defeat,and Spottedleaf hold her head high for a second. He meowed. "Snowfur,Moonflower!" Eh I don't like them for three reasons! The blue-gray cat asked. Or evil? Bluestar's Death: Bluestar blinked open her eyes. Bluestar spat. Bluestar turned to Oakheart "it's ok I'll go to Stonefur and Crookedstar" Oakheart replied and padded to his son and his brother, then Bluestar and Mosskit goes to Snowfur "hey Snowfur" greeted Bluestar "oh hey Bluestar and hello Mosskit" Snowfur meowed "hello Snowfur" said Mosskit "can you teach me some hunting tricks?" Fireheart always was the fire that saved our Clan and I was proud. "Do not give up, you will be a medicine cat like no other, walking in the pawsteps of past medicine cats." (willowpaw/fur): i understand Mistystar and Stonefur wouldnt be alive, but bluestar couldve had other kits or no kits at all. Clan information As she walked closer she heard them. She was glad to be reunited with her friends and kin in StarClan. "Finally. "But a hidden mother" Yellowfang shot Bluestar an angry glance. Her soul came out of her body waiting for some cat to lead her to StarClan. The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's, This section summarizes Bluestar's significant. Each cat will be treated like they were prized." "Firestar needs to use his mind, not his heart to find out the true deputy." I also have coins and a Snowkit hit! She now didn't care what Stormtail thought she was a needed to check on ThunderClan. In the morning Bluestar and Oakheart are eating then a white and grey kit ran to them "good morning" Mosskit said happily "good morning Mosskit" Bluestar meowed "I slept with Minnowkit and Willowkit last night and it was warm" Mosskit said "where's your brother?" "I never knew I would join StarClan today", I slowly frowned. She went on and said that Bluestar had destroyed the Clan she had always tried to protect. (He runs before the sunflower he can lick them but he can fall and fall on the sick) MOOOONNNFLOWWWEEERRRRR!!! The word Stormtail echoed in her mind. This answer is: Study guides. "My love, you did not fail your Clan." And then there is Bluestar (left) and Oakheart (right). I remembered all those happy memories of us. Bluestar smiled. StarClan promises that fire will save their clan, but what Bluestar needs are more warriors to combat the evil lurking both inside and outside of their borders, not a vague prophecy that no cat can decipher. Bluekit: (gives change to Pinestar) Here you go! Snowkit: (Eat the other half of the salmon) Now let's worry about the elders for the story! Bluestar looked at Feathertail, she had just joined StarClan a few moons ago like Tallstar. "Oakheart." Bluestar meowed. Firestar, you and every cat have the choice of whether or not to follow the warrior code. "Huh" She sighed. "Thank you Bluestar!" Oakheart asked "not yet but I'll eat" Mosskit meowed and took a small fish beside Oakheart and began to eat. [1] There is no specific leader for StarClan since there are many cats from all five Clans that work together. "Those are cats that you have not met, that will shape your future." Oakheart was a warrior and deputy of RiverClan under Hailstar's and Crookedstar's leaderships respectively in the forest territories. "Stormtail? Bone was now killed by some apprentices. "Im dead Spottedleaf." You are the fourth apprentice." ===Chapter Seven=== "Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and." Bluestar stopped. Monthly: Stormbaby Foo-foo, check out what I did! Yellowfang stared at him blankly. "Stonefur, my kit. by Riverspirit, Why Hollyleaf CAN NOT be part of the three by Honeypaw, My predictions for the Warriors books I havent read based of their titles and BlogClan knowledge by Amberpaw. "Dovepaw." "Only a matter of time before it happens, the badger is coming." Paw by paw walked up the stars as Bluestar went up to Starclan, her fur felt no longer damp, but warm as she couldn't wait to meet her friends and family again. "I know that! "I must go now" Bluestar nodded. Monthly Month: AAAAHHH! "Death to all, pain, eyes glaring just to see what life they have left." "That was a good catch," Bluestar praised and Oakheart turned. Bluestar got to her paws and padded around looking at the ground thinking. She sat down on the grass in the garden. Now! Juniper was kicked outside, her flank throbbing with pain. (T)Bluefur/Bluestar: A Russian blue she-cat. from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. She was so happy and full of joy but inside her she missed her Clan. Tigerstar. Bluestar sighed. Bluestar yowled. She had grieved for herself because she had to leave Crowfeather. "What do you see?" Moonflower purred. + . Copy. Snowkit: They are not yet born. Every cat was waiting for her. The spirit sat down and smiled. She yowled. "She warned him,Spottedleaf,now stop mooning over him!" "We're going to give Firestar his nine lives today." also leopardstar would have appointed another cat deputy that was not hawkfrost, because leopardstar became leader before hawkfrost joined. "I really missed you Oakheart." The piercing blue eyes of beloved Bluestar will have you snuggling up to her as if she's a real kittypet. She doesn't drive him off her territory but why? Leopardkit: I show you two new devices around the camp even though Bluekit also doesn't want me! Yellowfang nodded, all of a sudden remembering about Brokenstar. Snowkit: Oh-nevermind. It only seems like yesterday since you've came here, and yet so many other cats have joined StarClan." To my relief Stonefur started to slash and bite back. "Oakheart of RiverClan. Oakheart stood beside her. Cinderpelt moaned looking to Bluestar. "Oakheart!" "Bluestar, have faith. There is no mention of Mosskit being with either Bluestar or Oakheart in StarClan. "I should've been told the truth!" "Bluestar! I need to save my Clan. Stunning graphic design featuring Bluestar. Then they spotted Bluestar walking towards them. Tallstar padded up. What is it?" [1] There is no specific leader for StarClan since there are many cats from all five Clans that work together. "Did you warn Firestar?" StarClan cares for every cat in the forest, from the blind, helpless kit to the oldest elder lying in the sun. "Im so glad we meet again old friend." Tallstar sighed. "Wait! Her eyes blazed. She recognized him,Thrushpelt! Everyone didn't say anything. Ferncloud is a supporting character in the Warriors series. Bluestar, the leader after Sunstar, was the leader of Thunderclan, in the forest territories. (Cough). "Your not supposed to fall in love,Spottedleaf!" Patchkit: It is a study area. She looked at him one last time before joining StarClan,his ginger pelt and is horrior struck eyes. 6 I thought this was an interesting question. Bluestar replied "yes!" Stormtail: (enters the camp with Husky) Hey, look at what I found! Yet she is baffled when, seasons later, RiverClan breaks what is supposed to be a time of peace with a devastating fight for Sunningrocks. Bluestar purred. Forever. Bluekit: (Sneaks out and bothers Cedarstar: sneaks back). She sighed. Bluestar meowed calmer. Oakheart pushed the fish over to Bluestar. Everyone shouted. The two couple laugh happily and nuzzled each other "I love you Oakheart" Bluestar purred "I love you too" Oakheart purred back. I am Bluestar and I lost faith. But, we all know that your mate shouldn't charm you just to do what they want. Leafpool again stood before Bluestar. "I'll never give up on anything." "I believe you Bluestar" Oakheart meowed. Watch. Leafpool asked softly. Save yourself! "They won't! Goodbye Cinderpelt. Brightspirit flicked her tail. Dog! Third, because I'm in love with Dapplepawa! Oakheart meowed. Bluestar meowed fading away before Cinderpelt's spirit appeared. I can't be what I want to be. Bluestar is a lithe blueish-gray she-cat with light blue eyes. A large reddish-brown tom padded toward me and nuzzled me. Snowkit: (Stops crying out of the corner) Yay! Look inside this book! Forever gone" "Not gone, but living another life, In the stars." Ruby's and Sock's Second Visit to BloodClan. Bluestar-shippings. "Sorry, Mumblefoot!" She ran away to a giant tree and cried. "Oakheart." Dishwasher safe. Kate thinks that StarClan only exists because warriors invented them. Bluestar replied with a heavy sigh. She is murdered early on in the series, but continues to guide Firestar from StarClan. are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 And they had no choice! "Cinderpaw doesn't need to know about her past life, and the three apprentices do not need to know about their true mother!" Raggedstar's stood proudly. Goosefeather: Going to WindClan, Heatherstar sells sunglasses! Now and forever." "Each to rank as high as they can!" She opened her eyes, they shined like stars. Just clear your mind, think about the positive." Oh Piiinestar? Google Translate Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. I smiled now, I was going to give my former deputy one of his nine lives. Or that one of Bluestar's most popular quotes is Stupid Furball? "Rosetail! Hello Brightspirit, long time since I've seen you." come on! @Lavacat1. Moonflower stared blankly and Snowfur looked away. Even if they don't remember me, I hope they'll know that. I hope they know that they have been loved. Bluestar has now grown to loathe StarClan, believing that they have betrayed her, especially after Speckletail 's deaf kit, Snowkit, is killed by a hawk. Leopardkit: Jellybeans taste delicious!!!!!!!!!!! Hello Bluekit. Oakheart was loyal to both Bluestar and his clan, he didn't expose Bluestar, kept it a secret that the two had kits. Bluestar and Oakheart 2.8K 163 by CloudtailGrandmas One of the comments suggested this as a possible what if: What if Bluestar never fell in love with Oakheart? Do you want to leave the camp to visit the area without caring for your pig sister? Expecting Oakheart's kits secretly. "What other!" One of the greatest the forest has ever known. Snowkit: All right! She asked. Cinderpelt heaved a heavy sigh and started to dissapear. Yellowfang looked at her and snarled but remembered their agruement and kept her mouth shut. She knew half of StarClan now hated her. (Crying) Go back to the camp! (Jump in), Xiao Lan: (slamming the helicopter into a tree). It is a colorful animal. It is for the best. Tallstar glanced to Bluestar. "Somehow now I remember that game. (I might give a better summary later) Thrushpelt and Mosskit's StarClan Adventures ( me/hollyfrost) : hello! "I can see why. Measures approximately 35cm in length. Bluestar meowed. NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! "I just hope I made the right choice for Onewhisker." "Hello Bluestar", he said. Among the StarClan cats, she noticed Moonflower, Stormtail and Snowfur. Be happy with Bluestar and always love her" Stormtail meowed "and tell Bluestar to come here" Moonflower added "thank you Stormtail and I will" Oakheart meowed and goes off "Bluestar" Oakheart called "what is it?" Tallstar took a step up. Fireheart will lead the clan, you don't need to worry anymore. You have served your Clan well, but now it is time you live in StarClan. Thrushpelt padded over to her. i know she wouldve died anyways, but not as slow as she did. Despite warnings from Fireheart, Bluestar trusted her deputy, Tigerclaw, until he tried to murder her during a battle, and she banished him, which sent her into a depressive state and turned against StarClan. also thrushpelt loved bluestar. "Dovepaw You have bigger power than the three, life like no other. "Lead her to StarClan, I have a suprise for her." Bluekit was born to Moonflower and Stormtail alongside her sister, Snowkit. "Catching fish now, eh, Bluestar?" He did not face her, but the memory of Stormtail's deep blue eyes, much like Bluestar's, was still strong in her mind. Bluestar took a deep breath as she spoke to Cinderpelt. "Stop!" the sandy-grey warrior said. Then she landed right into ThunderClan's camp. In the Great Battle, she sacrifices herself to defend the nursery from Brokenstar . Its been a little while but Im glad to be back I am Lilybreeze, and I have a ton of news to catch *drumrolls* at last, the moment all you wonderful folks have been waiting for! Bluestar clawed the ground getting rid of all the thoughts replacing them. 1.6K Favourites. Secret Escape", Mistyfoot sighed. its been awhile since i read bluestars prophecy (its also my fav book), but i think bluestar loved oakheart more than any other tom. Was bluestar there when oakheart died? After all the lives it was my turn. "You're so weak now! He wants me to meet him at Fourtrees," Bluefur said aggressively at the thought. Bluestar didn't say anything and she dipped her head to Rosetail and padded away. She was born with Moonflower and Stormtail as her parents, and a sister named Snowkit. Moonflower: (Stops sighing) Tell me three reasons why you don't like them! Bluekit you can hear a great story! Then she remembered, Fireheart's nine lives! I slowly floated back to StarClan, now knowing Fireheart had helped everyone. Then Mosskit walked over and said,"Mommy why are you sad,if you are sad I am sad.". Bluestar cheered. "Hello Tallstar." (me/hollyfrost): i understand what your saying, i just feel like bluestar and oakheart were meant for each other, yea sure she wouldve been happy with thrushpelt, but she loved oakheart the most. I was filled with sorrow. I'm sorry Redtail, but I can't give faith or hope. Here is another place where we can get into trouble! "Thank you Bluestar." Bluestar felt sadness swell inside of her. Bluestar says Lionheart died the bravest death-to die like a warrior in battle. Snowkit: (Pouches Bluekit) Awake! A stackable mini-plush head of Bluestar. Goosefeather: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN MY EYE? Bluestar wailed. Official art The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. "Bluestar. Firestar is loosing many lives." But Fireheart was not sure he understood at all. His clear amber eyes landed on my bright blue ones. Stop being ingnorant and hotheaded!" Bluestar gasped. Bluestar sat by Lionheart and Yellowfang in front of Leafpool. (This character must do what I suggest (pls)) (R)Oakheart: A reddish-brown tom @ImTomTordTrash. I am just a gazer that watches nothing. Pinestar: Ok, Leopardkit and Patchkit, go ahead. Bluestar watched Spottedleaf pad away dissapearing into the grounds of StarClan. Bluestar had to tell Brambleclaw about his fate and soon StarClan had to move to another sky. If we did, would you truly be free? I also saw you being a good littermate to your brother who broke his jaw and always support him, so now I'll accept you and Bluestar's relationship" Moonflower meowed gratefully, Oakheart's eyes filled with joy "thank you so much Moonflower" Moonflower gave him a nod and let Stormtail to speak "even if I wasn't a good father and mate but this is all I wanted to say. Whitestorm yowled. He yowled, but Blackfoot kept on. (which is 555 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seeds) yummy! plus, someone else couldve sacrificed themself for feathertail and stormfur. It is noted that they are mates in StarClan . Leafpool opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Lionheart finally meowed. Yellowfang retorted as Badgerkit and Mosskit kept leaping playfully onto the former medicine cat's tail. Bluestar replied happily "that's great!" "Your Clan.". anyway, great arguments! Lionheart asked. Larksong: Oh see! She meowed softly. The following is a list of gifts Bluestar has granted during nine lives ceremonies: Bluefur; fiercely ambitious, determined to do what was best for her Clan, even if it meant unimaginable sacrifices. "Those were my thoughts on it," Bluefur said as she purred in laughter. so hollyfrost and i are debating, and im debating on the side that bluestar shouldve chosen thrushpelt! Many cat were by me and smiling, I saw my sister Snowfur, my mother Moonflower, my father Stormtail and my kit; Mosskit. You see, this couple is amazing. "I'm not doing it. (me/hollyfrost): i understand what your saying, i just feel like bluestar and oakheart were . The lighter kitten on top of the darker one is Stonekit (stonefur) the one below him is Mistykit (mistystar). "Firestar has been with them for many seasons, every cat has their time." Bluestar ignored them and saw Oakheart come over. Snowkit: I want to stay but bossy mc heavy pants go. I drew the scene from Warriors when Bluestar declared war on StarClan. Let your jaw do the work. 34.5K Views. if bluestar and oakheart werent mates, than stonefur and mistyfoot (star) wouldnt be alive. Her eyes watered. Gasping I opened my eyes. Bluestar stood in front of them all. Bluestar looked away. Bluestar blinked away the tears and looked at her daughter. Bluestar walked away and saw Spottedleaf and Yellowfang ,aruging. just let go Published: Oct 7, 2016. Her pelt ruffled in the breeze she looked at the moon. Mistyfoot and Blackclaw become mates and have Perchkit, Primrosepaw, Reedwhisker and Pikepaw-but only Reedwhisker lives . Now the forest is at peace.". "Thanks" A tear rolled from her eye. But Blackfoot padded over to Stonefur and tackled him. Bluestar to Firestar about StarClan not ruling the forest. Swiftbreeze: But your most valuable tools opened hers and the best devices of mine opened them when they appeared. Oakheart meowed back and as the wind ruffles their fur. Yes, Oaskheart did love Blestar but I don't know if he did when she gave away the kits to him. "Go on." Spottedleaf retorted. Bluestar purred. "Maybe, but Mudclaw would put your Clan in danger." "He's about to kill Scourge." Let your jaw do the work. (To make lemonade), Bluekit: Man, having a Snowkit slave is enough!Bluekit: Oh look, a helicopter! "Like how we had to keep Cinderpelt reborn as Cinderkit a secret!" Redtail called out. She spoke. Bluestar smiled and looked at him as he sat down. She was almost there. Snowkit: (Gasp) You are the hottest and strongest one! "But it is!" Snowkit: (wakes up) NO! Unpopular Opinion: Bluestar's arc would have been more interesting if she had ended up with Crookedstar instead of Oakheart I think Oakheart was lame and Bluefur had more chemistry with Crookedjaw. Monthly: (licks it) Do you want me to make sure you don't slip again? "Ooof." Mistyfoot and Stonefur: (keeps Bluestar) Now you're in our room. Bluestar purred. "You will have to be the best medicine cat you can be, never the other." Once Firestar dies my Clan will die out or be over-run with the other Clans just to get more territory!" Bluekit: I will run away because I do not care if my Clan rises. "S-Storm-" Bluestar was cut off. "We will reincarnate Lionheart as the new cat of the prophecy. "Bluestar," I heard a meow that made me jump. "ThunderClan!" "Father!" Bluestar meowed, her heart leaping with joy. Leopardkit: I can't wait! Bluestar looked to her, Leafpool gasped and ran to help Cinderpelt, the badger running off. She faded back to StarClan and appeared beside the pool. Bluestar stood broad. 2010-11-22 02:09:03. What has my life come to. ===Chapter Eight=== I am a spirit, I am worth nothing. Wait- you sunflower equipment. "Oh Bluestar." Bluestar let out a breath of anger. Mumblefoot let out a yowl as Snowfur stepped on his tail. Bluestar soon became pregnant, and had her and Patchpelt's kits. Raggedstar stood beside him. "Why have you given no hope or faith that your Clan will survive?" I HAVE A SET OF OIL! After Bluestar sacrificed herself to save ThunderClan, Mistyfoot and Stonefur forgave her, and she ascended to StarClan where she became mates with Oakheart again and reunited with her kin, feeling at peace. "Though how they change there will only be one great leader in my eyes" Oakheart said softly. Spottedleaf closed her eyes. Everything was coming back to me now, I lost the ones I loved before, I lost them again after I died, but reunited with the old ones. Weak, scrawny, and someone who can't take away anything!" Goose feathers: How many poppies did you eat? Many ThunderClan cats were snarling at them, but Fireheart, almost going to be leader was keeping them away. Elastic closure band, pen loop and 80 lined pages. He yowled. "Me?!" Stormtail: (sees Husky) Ah, what? [2] They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. can i borrow twenty dollars, Bluekit: (buys all salmon on Earth: has three bucks). Two because they are evil. I am sorry my kits.. I dont want to, its you. At first, she raised Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit in ThunderClan with Thrushpelt as the acting father; however, in order to become deputy instead of the ambitious Thistleclaw, whom she feared would destroy ThunderClan, she gave up her kits to Oakheart to live in RiverClan, and on the journey there, Mosskit perished.